Supplements Write For Us
Top 7 Supplements to Keep You Writing Well
Supplements Write For Us – Periods of sitting in front of a computer, constant strain on the eyes, and the sheer amount of work a writer has to keep up with. There are also emotional ups and downs and the inevitable stress that comes with showing your result to others and dealing with the consequences.
As a health writer, I’m well aware of our challenges, but I also know what supplements can help us overcome them. I am constantly reading new studies that provide insight into which supplements may actually be helpful and which are still questionable as to their benefits.
While it’s always best to get our nutrients from healthy foods, it can be difficult to maintain what we need through diet alone. A healthy diet is critical, but a few supplements can help keep you in tip-top shape so you can persevere in your writing projects without health problems.
With what we know so far, here are my top seven recommended supplements for writers.
1. Vitamin D
According to a 2008 study, vitamin D deficiency is now “recognized as an epidemic.” The researchers say this is mainly due to “a lack of appreciation that moderate sun contact is the main foundation of vitamin D for most incredible humans. Few foods naturally contain vitamin D, and foods that contain vitamin D D-fortified foods are often insufficient to meet a child’s or adult’s vitamin D requirement.
Low vitamin D levels increase your risk for heart disease, stroke, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and depression. If you’re the writer who spends most of your day indoors (like many of us are), get outside more often and take a daily supplement of 600-800 IUs.
2. B Vitamins
B vitamins are essential for maintaining energy, reducing stress, keeping your joints healthy, preventing depression, supporting healthy memory, and maintaining sharp thinking. Although you can get enough from a nutritious diet, you usually need animal products (meat and dairy).
Vegetarians and vegans should strongly consider B-complex supplements, as should birth control pills, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as aspirin and ibuprofen), and antibiotics, as these can all deplete B vitamins from the body. take away
Also, keep in mind that alcohol, refined sugars and stress can also lower B vitamin levels. Choose a quality B-complex vitamin supplement.
3. Magnesium
This mineral is essential for a healthy heart, muscles, kidneys, teeth, and bones. It contributes to energy production and works to improve the function of other nutrients in the body, such as zinc, potassium and vitamin D.
For the authors, though, the bottom line is that it helps reduce the risk of depression and can keep your digestive system happy. All those hours of sitting can “back you up,” so in addition to taking a walk every day, taking a magnesium supplement can help keep things moving.
As for your mood, one study found that magnesium is just as effective as antidepressants in treating depression. It can help alleviate the symptoms of fibromyalgia, which many authors suffer from, as well as migraine headaches and restless leg syndrome. It also improves sleep, and according to a study, it may even help you live longer. Take between 300 and 400 mg daily.
4. CoQ10
I was running ragged lately. Even with a good night’s sleep, I couldn’t keep up my energy. My mom asked me if I was taking my CoQ10. I prescribed the supplement several years ago, and she appreciated how much it helped restore her energy and lower her blood pressure levels.
I thanked him for returning his advice to me and immediately went out and bought the most effective kind—ubiquinol. (It is better absorbed in the body.)
CoQ10 is a vitamin-like material produced in the body. It is involved in almost every cellular function, but most importantly, in generating energy, maintaining heart health, and protecting cells from damaging free radicals. . We naturally produce less of it as we age. More of it can be returned if we take statin drugs, diuretics, some antidepressants, beta-blockers, and even acetaminophen (Tylenol). Is.
Studies have shown that CoQ10 can lower blood pressure, boost the immune system, protect the heart, lower blood sugar, and even reduce the frequency of migraine headaches. Can reduce. For ragged runners, it can also help restore energy, increasing the cells’ ability to produce energy. Take 100 and 20o mg ubiquinol with a meal containing fat for best absorption
5. Fish Oil
The jury is still available on whether fish oil helps protect the heart. It has also been linked to improved memory, reduced risk of dementia, supporting bone health, and healthy cholesterol, but studies are mixed.
One thing we do know is – fish oil benefits the skin. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil container assistance, especially if you have eczema or psoriasis. Since you spend hours in front of a computer (which can take a toll on your skin—see the post. What Your Computer Is Doing to Your Face), a good omega-3 supplement can protect you from the signs of premature ageing. Can help avoid
6. Rhodiola Rosea
This supplement is for you if you’re under the gun with a writing deadline and procrastinating.
Called “nature’s energy booster” and “nature’s antidepressant,” this herb has been shown to reduce stress, fight mild depression, improve cognitive function, and treat metabolic burnout. It helps—which makes us endlessly tired when we try to fit in all our writing—and marketing activities with everything we do.
For example, a 2000 study reduced mental fatigue in young doctors who worked nights. Researchers observed improvements in cognitive performance, short-term memory, ability to concentrate, auditory and visual perception speed, and general fatigue.
Other studies show that it can help you sleep, manage anxiety, recover faster from exercise, and maintain healthy blood sugar ranges.
Try a 150 mg daily supplement containing at least one per cent “cerebroside” and three per cent “rosavin.” You can increase it up to 400 mg daily if needed, but doctors recommend increasing it slowly to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
It supports serotonin levels, the “feel-good” neurotransmitter in the brain that helps reduce stress and ward off depression.
Even more interesting—omega-3s help the membranes of the eyes usually function and even help stimulate tear production, which is helpful for dry eyes (many Authors have to face it).
For example, a 2013 study found that daily omega-3s decreased tear evaporation rates, increased tear production, and improved dry eye symptoms.
7. Phosphatidyl Serine
This is a relatively new kid on the supplement block. But I find it interesting how it can support mental health.
The brain needs to produce memory-related neurotransmitters and functional lipids. We produce it in the body, but as is often the case, we produce less as we age. We all need to keep our minds sharp to keep track of all these roles, and this supplement can help.
This means the brain can become less flexible and more vulnerable to stress and damage. Early studies have shown that phosphatidylserine can help improve brain function.
For example, a 2010 study found that it improved memory scores. Other studies found that it reduced stress and anxiety and even improved children’s attention, learning, And benefits from behavioural problems.
Try 100 mg three times a day (with food) for a few weeks. And then you can back up to 100 mg a day for maintenance.
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